How can I see the list of Non-Monetary Conversions that have been generated in the website?
The report Non-Monetary conversions List shows all the conversions that have been generated in the website in the selected time period.
In the first summary table you can see the total number of Non-Monetary Conversions for the selected time period.
- Calendar: this option allows you to select the time interval for which you want to analyse the traffic data. For more info, click here.
- Select a Non-Monetary Conversion: by using the drop-down menu you can filter the data for the Non-Monetary Conversion you want to analyze.
Table In every line of the table you will find for each conversion:
- Conversion date
- Conversion ID (*) - clicking on this information, you can verify in detail all the data for the specific conversion
- Conversion Name, i.e. the name given to the specific conversion during configuration
- First referrer: the initial source of the first visit which has produced the conversion (according to the "principle of the first referrer")
- Visits: the number of visits the user executed before completing the conversion
- Conversion attitude, i.e. the ratio between the conversion and the amount of the visits that the user executed before completing the conversion
- Page views: all the page views before completing the conversion
- First visit date
- Conversion Time: the time of conversion, represented by the period elapsed from the first visit to the moment of the conversion
- Country of origin (*)
- Campaign: it shows the name given to the campaign during configuration, if one or more visits before converting come from an ad campaign, properly set up using ShinyStat™ (see Campaigns from parameters and Campaigns from domains). If the user entered the site coming from several campaigns, the system shows the last one, i.e. the name of the campaign from which the user arrived the last time before ending the conversion.
Data marked with an asterisk
(*) (Conversion ID and Country) depend on the valorized parameters in the conversion code.
The Conversion ID is assigned by ShinyStat, if not provided.
The "Country" parameters provided by the website may differ from that measured by ShinyStat (Geolocation). The latter is related to the geographic location of the IP address from which the visitor is connected to the websites, while the Country provided by the site could be the shipping address, residential address, billing address, etc. depending on the data chosen during configuration.
If the data for the "Country" are not provided by the site, the system shows the country found through Geolocation for the conversion visit.
“Not provided” keywords "Not provided" means that the search engine did not provide the keyword used by the visitor to reach the site.
In this case, all web analytics platform, including Google Analytics, cannot show the keywords used to reach web sites. In fact each browser receives an empty search string which is defined as "not provided keyword" instead of the true keyword used to find the web site.
For more information, please visit the
post on ShinyStat Blog.