The Referrers - PPC (Pay Per Click) - Details report provides the referrers and keywords of clicks coming from the sponsored links of Google and Yahoo! In the first table are indicated the following data:
- Listed PPC keywords (% on the number of keywords of this PPC)
- Clicks from the listed keywords (% on the clicks on the selected PPC)
- Calendar: it allows you to select the time interval for which you want to analyse the traffic data. For more info, click here.
Table In each row of the table are displayed the following data:
- Referrer
- Click: the number of clicks it generated
- Visits: the number of visits it generated
- Percentage: the corresponding percentage on the total visits coming from PPC
- Trend: the trend compared with the previous period
- Bounces: the number of times when the landing page was the only page viewed during a visit, that is the number of visits by browsers coming from the PPC network and keyword under examination, that entered the site, viewed a single page and exited the website
- Bounce Rate: it shows the percent of visits, coming from the PPC network and keyword under examination, consisting of a single page view out of the total visits coming from this referrer
Clicking on the “Day-by-day” icon

, you can access to the report showing the trend of clicks and visits to your site coming from the sponsored links in a particular time period. Currently ShinyStat records the click of Google Adsense and Adwords and of Yahoo! Sponsored Search and Content Match PPC networks.
Total For a easier reading, the last row in the list shows the total listed values.
Bounce Rate The
Bounce Rate, in connection with a traffic source, helps you in understanding the possible reactions of users when arriving on your site from a specific Pay Per Click network or keyword.
A high Bounce Rate could be due to a gap between the landing page and the expectations that an ad in the PPC network has generated in the user.
The Pages report (Pages) lets you see in detail which pages have a higher "Bounce Rate" for a specific source, providing you with a useful set of statistics to figure out what are the problems for your visitors and optimize your investment.
For more information about Bounces, please take a look at the page called:
Bounces - Bounce RateAttention! Bounces and Bounce Rate are available since
July 2010.
Pay Attention! This reports offers data based on
Clicks and not on
Visits, as usually occurs in the Referrer reports, therefore, if a visitor clicks three times on a sponsored link within the same visit, three clicks will be tracked.
SETTINGS ShinyStat records automatically clicks coming from Google and Yahoo! Sponsored links.
The user must only have set in his/her Google Adwords or Yahoo! Search marketing account profile, the option which allows the display of the full destination URL where the ad points to.
For those who have a Google Adwords account:
- login to your Google Adwords account
- click on "My Account"
- in "Account preferences" click on "Edit" regarding the entry "Tracking"
-select the option "Destination URL Auto-tagging"
-save changes
For those who have a Yahoo! Search marketing account: - login to your Yahoo! Search marketing account
- click on "Administration", then on "Tracking URLs"
- select the option "Tracking URLs on"
- save changes