ShinyStat™ Video Analytics – Correlations for a specific Category

Guide for:

This report shows Correlations for a specific category, that is how many times users visit one or more videos in a category in the same video session.
The system counts one connection each time a user views a video of a Category after viewing a video belonging to the selected category.  
This report also shows the Internal Correlation Percentage, that is the percentage of users who viewed more videos in the selected category (and no other) in the same video session.    


The first table shows the following data:


In this report you can find the following filters:
The graph shows a glance the probability of correlation, internal and external, of the selected category.
At the center appears the probability of internal correlations; outside the probability of correlation with the other categories.  

The table lists all the Categories correlated with the selected Category.
Each line of the table shows the following data for each correlated Category: By clicking on each line, you can access a detailed report about correlations for the specific category.

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ShinyStat™ Video Analytics - Categories