ShinyStat™ Video Analytics - Categories - Correlations

Guide for:

The report shows the correlation between the different categories, providing useful metrics to evaluate the audience and analyse the attractive power of your videos.
In detail, the report indicates for each category the following metrics:

If the Category Force (CF) indicates the attractive power that a specific category exerts on the audience, the External Correlation Percentage (ECP) represents the probability with which a browser  has viewed or will see a video of another category before or after having seen one video in the considered category.  

The first table shows the total number of correlations in the selected time period.

In this report you can find the following filters:  
Table - List of Categories

The table lists all the Categories for which one or more videos have been viewed in the given time period.
Each line of the table shows the following data for each Category: By clicking on each line, you can access a detailed report about correlations for the specific category.

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ShinyStat™ Video Analytics - Categories