Mobile Analytics - Daily unique visitors/browsers

Guide for:

This report shows the daily unique visitors/browsers from mobile devices.

This term refers to the number of unique visitors/browsers who visit the web site once or more a day utilising a mobile device (smartphone or tablet).

The first table shows the following data:

  For each row, the table shows: N.B.
For periods longer than a day, the total number of daily unique visitors/browsers shows the sum of daily unique browsers measured for each day of the period under consideration

The chart shows the number of daily unique visitors/browsers from Mobile Devices for each day in the selected period, the number of daily unique visitors/browsers from tablets, the number of daily unique visitors/browsers from smartphones and the number of daily unique visitors/browsers independently from the device.

For the 'latest 31 days' and 'latest 3 months' intervals, it is possible to choose a different graph chart by clicking on the icon corresponding to the graph type (Flash, bar or line chart).

Moreover, for intervals no longer than 6 months you will be shown a dotted line representing the 7-day mobile average.
For the other intervals, you will be shown only the 7-day mobile average, except for flash chart that shows the daily data for any period of time.

Selecting a period that includes today and no longer than 122 days, the real time data and the daily forecast for the current day are represented in different colors.

The table shows:
Selecting a period that includes today and no longer than 122 days, the last two lines of the table show real time data and the daily forecast for the current day.

N.B. For periods longer than 122 days, the table is not shown.

Please Note:
* Data on traffic split by tablet and smartphone is available since February, 12th 2015.
   It isn't possible select time periods starting before this date.

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