Monetary Conversion List - Details

Guide for:

The report here presented shows for each conversion the following data: General information, General metrics, Times, First visit origin, Conversion visit origin, Conversion path, Geolocation, Device.

General Information
This table provides some general information about the chosen conversion and shows:

General metrics
In this section are reported the data concerning the total visits, the total of the page views by the customer before converting and the number of page views browsed during the same session in which the purchase occurred.


These values concern the conversion date and time, the date and time of the first visit of the customer, the time elapsed from the first visit to the conversion and the conversion propensity (i.e the ratio between the number of conversions and the amount of the visits that the user executed)

First visit origin and Conversion visit origin
This field indicates the origin of the purchaser's first visit (first visit) and the origin of the conversion visit (last referrer).

“Not provided” keywords
"Not provided" means that the search engine did not provide the keyword used by the visitor to reach the site.
In this case, all web analytics platform, including Google Analytics, cannot show the keywords used to reach web sites. In fact each browser receives an empty search string which is defined as "not provided keyword" instead of the true keyword used to find the web site.
For more information, please visit the post on ShinyStat Blog.

Conversion Paths
The box displays the path the purchaser took throughout the website on the occasion of the purchase.

The fields marked with * show the parameters concerning the Country (State), the City and the Province that the vendor assigns on the occasion of the conversion, and the data relating to the Country, the Region and the City tracked by the ShinyStat Geolocation. These latters can differ from each other, since the Geolocation shows the information concerning the navigation place, while the vendor can choose whether to provide different parameters such as, for instance, the delivery address, the residence address, etc.

This table provides some general information about  the device used to complete the conversion:

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Monetary Conversions List