B2B > Details > Campaign referrers

Guide for:

In the report "Campaign Referrers" you can see the number of clicks and visits received by the selected company coming from your online ad campaigns, properly set up using ShinyStat™ (see Campaigns from parameters and Campaigns from domains) and from links configured as Google Analytics Campaign (starting from 14 December 2017).
The first table shows the number of Campaigns listed below and the number of related visits and clicks. 


Campaign day-by-day data export
This feature allows you to export campaign data in order to analyze its progress on a daily basis.
In particular, it is possible to select one or more metrics among those available (clicks, visits, rebound visits) for which you want to export day-by-day data. 

By clicking on the option "Grouped by campaign", it is possible to obtain a csv file which shows for each campaign the list of selected metrics with the related data; so data is displayed campaign by campaign. 
It is a useful export when you want to analyze the single campaign by comparing the various metrics, for example visits with clicks and / or with bounces.

By clicking on the "Grouped by metric" option, you can obtain a csv file that shows the list of campaigns (and related data) for each metric. 
It is a useful export when you want to compare different campaigns to evaluate which have received more or less clicks, visits and / or bounces. 

In every row of the table you will find the following data: Clicking on the Pages (Landing Pages of each Referrer) icon 

Watch Out! 
The system keeps track of the traffic resulting from a campaign if and only if:
Traffic data from links configured as Google Analytics Campaign are displayed in the "Campaign Referers" report regardless of the traffic source in which the link was clicked (since 14th December 2017). 
For further information, please contact the ShinyStat  Support Centre

Attention! Bounces and Bounce Rate are available since July 2010.

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B2B module (Business to Business)