Preferences - Ip address Exclusion

Guide for:

How can I exclude from my reports a single IP address or an IP address range?

This option allows you to exclude from your reports the traffic data coming from the range of IP addresses entered in the proper fields.

According to your needs you can exclude a single IP address or an IP address range, by proceeding as follows:

IP range means a series of consecutive IP addresses.

Watch out! 
This option is available only if the IP addresses are static.
If the IP address is dynamic IP, it is possible to use the feature "Exclude this browser from reports". Listed below are some examples of IP settings:  
To exclude data from one or more IP addresses, follow the procedure below:
To exclude multiple IP address ranges, you can proceed by adding an interval at a time, following the steps described above.

Nota Bene
It is possible to exclude up to 32 ranges of IP addresses.

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    Preferences - Ip address Exclusion