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This report shows the origin of your video views.
In the first table you can see, for the selected…
This report shows the number of video views coming from the search engines. The first table shows the total number…
This report (“Debug > Browsers > Details”) shows the amount of error signals received in the selected time interval for the browser…
Which are the browsers that generated the most Non Monetary conversions? When is it best to optimize your site for…
This report shows the number of video views generated by Blogs and Social Networks. In fact, each URL…
How does one go about checking in detail, for each specific campaign, which are the pages and the sites that…
In the report "Campaign Referrers" you can see how many video views result from your online ad campaigns, properly…
The report here presented shows for each conversion the following data: General information, General metrics, Times, First visit origin, Conversion…
How can i insert the ShinyStat™code in sites created with Joomla (from version 1.7.x to 2.x.x)?
This report provides the number of video views coming from Google or Yahoo! Sponsored Links with relation to each…