This report shows the origin of your video views.
In the first table you can see, for the selected time period, the number of referrers found and listed in the table below, and the number of Video views that they have generated.
- Time period: by using the drop-down menu you can filter data for the time period you want to analyze.
- Advanced calendar: you can select specific time periods other than those available with the drop-down menu "time period", thereby choosing freely the time period to examine. For more info on using the Advanced calendar, click here.
- Category: by using the drop-down menu you can filter data for the category you want to analyze.
Table Each line of the table provides the following information:
- Referrer: the typology of the referrer (could be a Direct request, a Site, a Search Engine, a Campaign or a Pay per Click, a Blog or Social Network, an Internal referrer)
- Video views: the total number of video views generated by the specific referrer
- %: the percentage on the total video views generated by the listed referrers
- Trend: expressed as a percent, it shows the trend of the video views for a given period. In particular, it indicates the percentage variation of the video views rate during the second half of the selected period compared with the first half of the period itself.
Clicking on the "Day-by-day" icon

you can view the detailed report on a specific kind of referrer.
Direct request The term Direct request indicates all the video views not coming from links located on other sites, for example in case your visitor directly enters the url of the page containing the video seen in the browser address toolbar or he reaches the page containing the video seen via the link saved within the "Bookmarks" / "Favourite" sites.
No referrer The term "No referrer" is assigned to all the requests to the ShinyStat servers with an incorrect or absent "referrer" heading.
Please note that the referrer of a video is the referrer of the page where the video was seen.
The system measures a video view only when the user clicks the play button and starts to watch the video.
If a visitor plays more videos on the same page, the system measures more video views for the same referrer.
The referrer is
internal when the visit has already started on another page of your website.