Video Analytics - Referrers - Search keywords

Guide for:

The report lists the terms your visitors entered in the search engines to reach the page containing the viewed video.

The first table shows the number of the search keywords listed in the table below, the number of Video views from the listed keywords and the percentage on the views from all keywords.


Each table row shows the following data: Clicking on the "Day-by-day" icon  to view the Keyword Details report (Search engines List for the specific keyword).

For easier reading, the last row in the list shows the total listed values.
N.B. This value is the sum of the values in all the pages and not only of the value in the current page.

“Not provided” keywords
"Not provided" means that the search engine did not provide the keyword used by the visitor to reach the site.
In this case, all web analytics platform, including Google Analytics, cannot show the keywords used to reach web sites. In fact each browser receives an empty search string which is defined as "not provided keyword" instead of the true keyword used to find the web site.
For more information, please visit the post on ShinyStat Blog.

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Video Analytics - Total referrers